Survey Success
Patrick Quinn, Presidents of the D.W. Field Park Association, helps promote the survey at the park.
When Wildlands Trust launched the D.W. Field Park Initiative in 2022, we knew our planning efforts should center around projects that park users and the larger community feel are important, so we build community-centered planning into the structure of the Initiative from the start.
We went to work developing a comprehensive community survey with the Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) to better understand how people use the park, people’s perceptions of the park, how they would like to see it improved. The survey was conducted between October 2022 and April 2023 and was made available online as well as in hard copy in English, Cape Verdean Creole, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Portuguese. It was promoted broadly across social media, websites, e-newsletters, flyers, banners, lawn signs, postcards, and direct requests. Our goal was 750 responses - an aggressive goal aimed at hearing from a diversity of users from Brockton, Avon, and the surrounding area.
When the survey was closed in April 2023, we had received 1,424 responses from folks of various towns, ages, races, gender identities, and physical abilities. The information gathered will drive decision-making in the planning process, and serves as a model for further community outreach and engagement efforts.
Thank you to everyone who participated!